Hinges Upon

IMG_8018Every day, there are decisions to be made.  When?  How?  With whom?  To what end?  Decisions about what to do first, or last.  Decisions about how to spend time, money, or precious energy.  I’m mindful that any one choice can hinge upon others.  Impact and intention, not withstanding.

As I sit typing this morning, there are folks working on the deck outside my office window.  The deferred maintenance (over some 40+ years) led to some rotted wood and potentially unsafe structural consequences.  Fortunately, the repairs will bring strength to the building and in little time at all, there will be a restoration of safety and security, even here in the earthquake zone.   As soon as it’s safe to walk out there, I’ll have to document the fresh facade and sturdy new railing!   Choosing to stay away from the ledge, for now.  Since it’s not a metaphor.

Slow and steady choices to engage and move and trust.  Letting the doors of spirit open wide as the reparation work continues…

Writing Prompt:  When I made the choice to say yes, it meant…..



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